National Eye Health Week - What You Need To Know

National Eye Health Week - What You Need To Know

What Is National Eye Health Week?

National Eye Health Week (NEHW) will be taking place from the 20th to 26th September 2021. The purpose of NEHW is to inspire and educate people on the importance of eye health and to promote regular sight tests and check-ups. It is safe to say we don’t look after our eyes as well as we should. According to the RNIB (The Royal Institute Of Blind People) at least half of all sight loss is avoidable. Everyday people damage their eyes by staring at computer screens without taking regular breaks or by not resting their eyes with the right amount of sleep. The importance of eyesight towards overall wellbeing, independence, and quality of life is too important to be ignored. Sight is the sense people fear losing the most, yet many of us don’t know how to look after our eyes – National Eye Health Week aims to change that. Eye care charities, health professionals and organisations across the UK are encouraged to join during this week to promote the importance of eye health and the need for regular tests.

The Role of Eye Care Professionals

About 2 million persons are living with severe sight loss in UK, that can significantly impact their daily activities. This scary figure goes to show just how important regular eye tests can be in potentially saving peoples sight from eye conditions such as glaucoma and general damage to eyes and to find the sources of this damage. The most important roles healthcare professionals have in the eye care of our population is detection, diagnosis and treatment. This covers the entire sector from detection by GP's to surgery by specialist ophthalmologists. This is why here at Medisave we offer a whole range of ophthalmology equipment from top brands. HEINE Ophthalmoscopes - HEINE have been manufacturing top of the line diagnostic equipment in Germany since 1946. Roughly 90% of all research, development and production takes place in house resulting in true German quality. You can see our range of HEINE ophthalmoscopes here. Keeler Ophthalmoscopes - Optical perfection, exceptional ergonomics & packed with features, Keeler ophthalmoscopes are among the best money can buy. All Keeler's Ophthalmoscopes feature the same attention-to-detail and advanced technology. Check them out here! Riester Ophthalmoscopes - Founded in 1948 in Jungingen, Germany, Riester have made it their mission to put the human aspect at the heart of their diagnostic equipment design philosophy. Riester's ophthalmoscope range represent exceptional value for money whilst still epitomising quality and comfort for both user and patient. Click here for the full Riester range.

Looking After Your Eyes

As discussed, eye care is vital but how do you as an individual look after your eyes? There are plenty of resources out there to help, including this eye health calculator from Vison Matters, but we have also outlined some tips and interesting facts below. Did you know your age and gender can effect the possibility of having some kind of eye related issue. 1 in 12 men have some kind of colour blindness compared to 1 in 200 women. Ishihara tests can help detect colour blindness, we have a range here. Age is also a factor in eye health, 98% of over 60s require some form of vision correction. Your risk of suffering age-related eye disease such as macular degeneration and cataracts also increases after the age of 60 so make sure you have regular sight tests to ensure any change in your vision is detected early. Eye tests - Make sure you have regular eye tests, at least once every two years. Even if there is no change in your vision an eye examination can often pick up the first signs of an eye condition before you notice and changes in vision. Eye protection is key as DIY causes thousands of eye related injuries each year. Wearing the right eye protection for the job protects your eyes from flying debris and fine particles. A good pair of safety goggles could save your sight! Keeping your eyes covered in the sunlight is also vital, UVA and UVB rays in sunlight can harm your eyes. Wearing sunglasses, glasses or contact lenses with built in UV filter will protect you.

Lifestyle Changes

Eating habits affect your eyes more than you would think. Eating a diet rich in eye-friendly nutrients found in fruit, vegetables, fish and whole grains is important for maintaining good eye health and minimising your risk of suffering sight-threatening conditions such as macular degeneration. Here are some quick and easy ways to pack mealtimes with more eye-friendly nutrients:
  • Serve a side of sautéed kale with your Sunday roast.
  • Swap one of your daily cuppas for a mug of green tea.
  • Top a salmon fillet with 2 teaspoons of roasted tomato pesto and bake.
  • Add a couple of hard-boiled eggs and some sliced avocado to a simple green salad.
  • Today’s busy lifestyles mean some people miss out on essential nutrients so taking the appropriate nutritional supplements may be really beneficial to help protect your eyesight. (Always consult your Optometrist or GP before taking supplements.)
Smoking and drinking can also effect your eyesight. Another great reason to quit the habit. Smokers are up to four-times more likely to suffer age-related macular degeneration than non-smokers. Visit for advice on how to quit. Excess alcohol can interfere with your liver functions and reduce the production of glutathione. Glutathione prevents a particular kind of cell damage that can lead to the development of cataract, glaucoma and retinopathy.

In Summary

We've learnt how vital, but easy it is to look after your eyes. Considering half of all sight loss is preventable, proper eye care is a no brainer. You can learn a lot more about National Eye Health Week and how to look after your eyes by having a look at these pages from Vision Matters and The RNIB, two massive supporters of National Eye Health Week.
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